A group of state-based child advocacy and research organizations that use data to promote smart policies on issues ranging from child welfare and juvenile justice to education and economic opportunity.

In an era of bud­get tight­en­ing, low-income chil­dren and fam­i­lies are often over­looked on the pub­lic agen­da. Mem­bers of the KIDS COUNT® (LA INFAN­CIA CUEN­TA™) state net­work pro­mote effec­tive poli­cies and track the well-being of chil­dren to ensure that fam­i­lies are on paths to eco­nom­ic oppor­tu­ni­ty and com­mu­ni­ties are safe and healthy for all kids, regard­less of race, class or zip code.

The 50 states, the Dis­trict of Colum­bia, Puer­to Rico and the U.S. Vir­gin Islands are each served by a KIDS COUNT organization.

From the Blog

A young girl smiles as her father, also smiling, holds open a picture book for her to explore.

How to Improve Reading Skills of a Child

Discover AECF’s latest findings on how parents can support reading at home to improve child literacy development. Learn how you can set your child up for success.

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The KIDS COUNT Network in Action

Ourwork initiatives kidscountnetwork rhodeisland

20th Annual Factbook Released in Rhode Island

The 2014 Rhode Island Kids Count Factbook charts improvements and declines in the well-being of children and youth across the state and in each of Rhode Island’s 39 cities and towns, from birth through adolescence.

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importance of oral health in kentucky

A new infographic looks at barriers that Kentuckians face when it comes to having optimal oral health, including cost, lack of preventive care and lack of access.

Ourwork initiatives kidscountnetwork colorado

kids count in colorado! now available

More Colorado children were living in poverty in 2012 than during the worst of the Great Recession. State children are far from seeing the benefits of the economic recovery, according to data in KIDS COUNT in Colorado!